Happy Valentines Day! Maya and I made these cute little Valentine's for her teachers. It is a piece of scrapbook paper and we made it look like a popcorn bag and then filled it with microwave popcorn and movie candy. On the front is says something like"I don't mean to be corny, but you are a poppin valentine" or something like that, I forgot exactly, but her teachers and dance teachers thought it was cute. Tickled pink! Simone is not very happy!
Here is me and my Valentine!
I hope Simone has figured out that her sister and mama are crazy girls!
Maya cannot seem to give Simone enough kisses and hugs through the day.
The girls have so much fun taking baths together. 4 years age difference, but they have so much fun together, age does not matter as of right now.
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3 years ago
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